Cryostat Microtome LT-CM201 Catalog


Cryostat Microtome LT-CM201 is ergonomically designed with modern features with rounded corners. Interior cooling chamber is made up of stainless steel material. Cooling unit consists of heavy duty compressor operating with CFC-free cooling gas to reach -30°C.Design and construction takes into consideration of easy handling and minimal service requirement. Enclosed microtome has connection to external drive and includes anti-roll device. Sliding window is made up of dual insulation frost free glass. It is equipped with UV disinfection system which minimizes the risk of contamination from infected material.


Cryo-plate temperature -5°C to -45°C
Cryo-probe temperature -5°C to -30°C
Speed of horizon specimen feeding 0.7mm /second
Voltage 220 V / 50 Hz or 110 V, 60 Hz
Power 850W
Dimensions (D×W×H) 1130×660×640 mm
Weight 120 Kg
  • It includes fluorescent lighting and hygiene drainage system
  • High precision guide rails made in Germany make transmission smooth durable and able to cut hard sample
  • It is provided with disposable blade holder
  • Digital display gives all unit status in a glance
  • Freezing chamber is wide and spacious
  • Expedited drying method
  • Stationary or detachable heat extractor
  • Precision of microtome gives reproducible sections
Applications :

These are widely used in diagnosis of neurological materials, clinical applications, medical laboratories use it for frozen tissue samples
