Fixed Volume Pipette LT-FVP101 Catalog


Fixed Volume Pipette LT-FVP101 offers a 5 µL capacity with an accuracy of up to ≤ 2.0%. It has color-coded volume settings for easy identification. This pipette is fully autoclavable at 121°C for maximum protection. The centrally mounted pipette button ensures smooth piston movement. Our Fixed Volume Micropipette features precision calibration for consistently accurate and reliable liquid handling.


Volume 5 µL
Accuracy ≤ 2.0%
Accuracy Deviation ± 0.1 µL
Coefficient of Variation ≤ 0.80%
Coefficient of Variation Error ± 0.04 µL
  • Slim shaft
  • Broad tip compatibility
  • One-handed operation
  • Ergonomic design
  • Low maintenance
  • Durable construction
Applications :

Fixed Volume Pipette LT-FVP101 is designed for precise liquid handling and accurate results in various laboratory scientific applications. The pipette is suitable for molecular biology, chemistry, and pharmaceutical research.
