Variable Volume Pipette LT-VVN203 Catalog


Variable Volume Pipette LT-VVN203 offers precise volume control from 2 µL to 20 µL and maintains a Coefficient of Variation of 0.4%. It features a four-position volume display for maximum precision. The volume-change protection lock prevents unintended adjustments. It is autoclavable at 121°C for optimal protection against contamination. Our pipette has an anticorrosion ceramic piston that ensures accuracy and smooth operation.


Volume Range 2 µL to 20 µL
Fine Increment 0.02 µL
Accuracy ± 0.8 %
Coefficient of Variation 0.4 %
  • Easy calibration 
  • Ergonomically designed
  • Slim pipette shaft
  • One-handed volume adjustment
  • Antibacterial material construction
  • Colour-coded for tip identification
Applications :

Variable Volume Pipette LT-VVN203 is used in laboratories for precise liquid handling, particularly in tasks such as nucleic acid quantification, sample preparation, and titration procedures.
