Variable Volume Pipette LT-VVN204 Catalog


Variable Volume Pipette LT-VVN204 allows precise adjustments of 0.05 µL within a 5 µL to 20 µL volume range. It features a slim shaft for easy pipetting into narrow vessels. The anticorrosion ceramic piston ensures accuracy and smooth pipetting. This design reduces bacterial adhesion with special antibacterial materials. Our Variable Volume Pipette provides precise four-position volume settings.


Volume Range 5 µL to 50 µL
Fine Increment 0.05 µL
Accuracy ± 0.6 %
Coefficient of Variation 0.2 %
  • Easy calibration 
  • Volume-change protection
  • Fully autoclavable
  • Ergonomically designed
  • One-handed volume adjustment
  • Colour-coded for tip identification
Applications :

Variable Volume Pipette LT-VVN204 is used in laboratories for precise liquid handling, particularly in tasks such as nucleic acid quantification, sample preparation, and titration procedures.
