Variable Volume Pipette LT-VVN208 Catalog


Variable Volume Pipette LT-VVN208 delivers an accuracy of ±0.6% along with a 0.2% coefficient of variation. It features a slim shaft for pipetting into narrow vessels. The four-position volume display ensures precision and is easy to read. It includes a lock to prevent unintended volume changes. Our variable volume pipette is color-coded for easy tip identification and efficient usage.


Volume Range 500 µL to 5000 µL
Fine Increment 5 µL
Accuracy ± 0.6 %
Coefficient of Variation 0.2 %
  • One-handed operation
  • Anticorrosion ceramic piston
  • Large Pipetting button
  • Antibacterial construction
  • Easy calibration
  • Broad tip compatibility
Applications :

Variable Volume Pipette LT-VVN208 is ideal for precise liquid transfer in applications such as sample preparation, PCR, enzyme assays, titration, cell culture and nucleic acid analysis.
