Abbe Refractometer LT-AR301 Catalog


Abbe Refractometer LT-AR301 can measure the refractive index and average dispersive power of the trans-parent, semi-transparent liquids. It can be connected with circulating thermostatic bath and can measure the refractive index in 0℃ to 70℃. Refractive index and the average optical dispersion of materials and measures the brix percentage of sugar solution. Solid cast metal housing. It can perform multiple functions.


Test range 1.300 to 1.700nD
Brix 0 to 95%
Minimum range 0.0005nD
Brix 0.25%
Accuracy ±0.0002nD
Magnification of telescope 2X
Manification of reading microscope 37.2X
Magnification of reading microscope 37.2X
Size 90×190×250 mm
Weight 30Kg
  • Abbe refractometer with monocular design
  • High precision, stable and reliable measure value
  • Produces clear optical image
  • Provided with high-precision Amici Prism with good performance of achromaticity and high efficiency
  • We can determine the refractive index with a temperature range from 0 to 70℃
  • Easy to handle
  • Adaptable thermometer
Applications :

It is widely applied in the field of oi industry, pharmaceutical factories, food processing, sugar refineries and research center
