- -25°C Chest Freezer
- -25°C Upright Freezer
- -40°C Upright Freezer
- -86°C Ultra Low Temperature Freezer
- 1200°C Muffle Furnace
- Abbe Refractometer
- Aerosol Photometer
- Air Borne Particle Counter
- Air Sampler
- Analyzers
- Auto Refractometer
- Autoclave Steam Sterilizer
- Autoclave
- Automated Nucleic Acid Workstation
- Automatic Asphalt Tester
- Automatic Chemistry Analyzer
- Automatic Cryostat Microtome
- Automatic Tissue Processor
- Bacti Cinerator Sterilizer
- Bench Top Autoclave
- Bench-Top Ion Meter
- Bench-Top pH Meter
- Biochemical Incubator
- Biochemistry Analyzer
- Biological Indicator Incubator
- Biological Microscope
- Biological Safety Cabinet Class II A2
- Biosafety Cabinets
- Blood Bank Centrifuge
- Blood Bank Refrigerator
- Blood Card Centrifuge
- Carbon-dioxide Incubator
- Cell Washer Centrifuge
- Chemiluminescence Imaging System
- Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer
- Chiller
- Coating Thickness Gauge
- Colorimeter
- Combined Refrigerator And Freezer
- Constant Temperature Water Bath
- Decolorization Shaker
- Dental Vacuum Autoclave
- Digital Automatic Polarimeter
- Digital Flame Photometer
- Digital Hot Plate
- Digital Magnetic Hot Plate Stirrer
- Digital Peristaltic Pump
- Digital Refractometer
- Digital Thermostatic Water Bath
- Dissolved Oxygen Meter
- Double Door Autoclave
- Drug Test Chamber
- Dry Bath Incubator
- Environmental Test Chamber
- Fixed Volume Pipette
- Fluorescence Quantitative PCR System
- Forced Air Drying Oven
- Forced Air Vacuum Drying Oven
- Freeze Dryer
- Fully Automated Nucleic Acid Extractor
- Fume Hoods
- Gas Analyzer
- Gas Detectors
- Gel Card Incubator Centrifuge
- Gel-Documentation Imaging System
- Gel-Documentation System
- Glass Bead Sterilizer
- Gradient Thermal Cycler
- Heater Chiller
- Hematocrit Centrifuge
- Hematology Analyzer
- High Pressure Portable Autoclave
- High Speed Centrifuge
- High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge
- High-Flow Peristaltic Pump
- Homogenizer
- Horizontal Autoclave
- Hot-Plate Magnetic Stirrer
- Imaging System
- Immunohistochemistry stainer
- Incubator
- Incubator Shaker
- Inverted Biological Microscope
- Inverted Fluorescence Microscope
- Laboratory Centrifuge
- Laboratory Clean Bench
- Laboratory Freezers
- Laboratory Furnace
- Laboratory Mixers
- Laboratory Oven
- Laboratory Refrigerators
- Laminar Air Flow Sterilizer
- Large Capacity High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge
- Large Capacity Low Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge
- Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer
- Laser Dust Particle Counter
- Lighting Incubator
- Low Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge
- Low Speed Table Top Centrifuge
- Magnetic Stirrer
- Manual Polarimeter
- Micro Spectrophotometer
- Microbial Air Sampler
- Micropipettes
- Microplate Centrifuge
- Microplate Incubator
- Microplate Reader
- Microplate Reader And Washer
- Microplate Washer
- Microscope
- Microtome
- Mini Shaker
- Mixers And Vortexer
- Mold Incubator
- Multi Tube Vortex Mixer
- Multi-channel Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer
- Multi-Channel Pipette
- Nucleic Acid Extractor
- Nucleic Acid Extractor System
- Orbital Shaker
- Overhead Stirrer
- Particle Counter
- Particle Size Analyzer
- PCR Machine
- PCR System
- PCR Thermal Cycler
- Peristaltic Pump
- Petroleum Testing Equipment
- Pharmacy Refrigerator
- Photometer
- Polarimeter
- Portable Autoclave
- Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter
- Portable Gas Detector
- Portable Gas Monitor
- Portable Ion Meter
- Portable Multiparameter
- Portable Refractometer
- Potentiometric Titrator
- Pulse Vacuum Autoclave
- Pulse Vacuum Sterilizer
- Pumps
- Real Time PCR System
- Refractometer
- Refrigerated Centrifuge
- Refrigerated Water Bath
- Rocking Shaker
- Roller Shaker
- Rotary Evaporator
- Rotary Mixer
- Rotation Mixer
- Shaker
- Shaking Incubator
- Spectrophotometer
- Stainers
- Stainless Steel Fume Hood
- Steam Sterilizer
- Stereo Microscope
- Sterilizer
- Stirrers
- Strong Illumination Test Chamber
- Table Top Autoclave
- Temperature And Humidity Test Chamber
- Test Chamber
- Thermal Cycler
- Thermostatic Incubator
- Thermostatic Refractometer
- Thermostatic Water Bath
- Thickness Gauge
- Titrator
- Transparent Water Bath
- Tube Roller Mixer
- Ultrasonic Cleaner
- Ultrasonic Homogenizer
- Vacuum Drying Oven
- Variable Speed Peristaltic Pump
- Variable Volume Pipette
- Vertical Autoclave
- Vertical Clean Bench
- Viscometer
- Vortex Mixer
- Water Bath
- Water Circulating Vacuum Pump
- Water Quality Analyzer
- Water Quality Meters
- Water-Jacketed CO2 Incubator