Immunohistochemistry stainer

Labtro Immunohistochemistry Stainer are designed to automate antigen detection in tissue sections with labeled antibodies. They automatically alert users of reagent shortages to ensure continuous operation. They facilitate flexible transmission and noiseless operations. They feature easy windows-based programming and password protection. Our Immunohistochemistry Stainer are employed in cancer diagnosis, disease research, drug testing, and biomarker validation.

Slides capacity

Reagent containers

Processing time of each container

Reagents capacity

  • Immuno Autostainer LT-IA301

    • Slides capacity: 48
    • Reagents capacity: 64
    • Minimum dropping reagent: 50ul
    • Dropping reagent increment: 50ul, 100ul, 150ul, 200ul
    • Maximal output power: ≤350VA
  • Automatic Slide Stainer LT-ASS401

    • Reagent containers: 12
    • Processing time of each container: 0 s to 59 min and 59 seconds
    • Dimensions: 1130×460×400 mm
    • Capacity of containers: 1 L
    • Specimen process: 72 pc