Thickness Gauge 

Labtro Thickness Gauge offers a wide measuring range for precise density assessment. They are designed with advanced features for easy setup and minimal maintenance. These are built with durable materials, and ensure long-lasting performance. They are ideal for accurate thickness measurements, and meet high standards of precision. Our Thickness Gauge have diverse applications coating, painting, and automotive.

  • Coating Thickness Guage LT-CTG401

    • Principle: F Magnetic Induction
    • Range: 0 to 200µm / 0 to 8mil
    • Resolution: 0.1µm / 1µm
    • Accuracy: ±1 to 3%n or ±2.5µm or 0.1mil
    • Minimum Radius Workpiece: Convex 2 mm / Concave 4 mm